Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Never a Boring Day

I got a call from my wonderful Fiancé this morning informing me that there is a lack of responsibility in the Inglewood police and fire departments. Why you ask? Because someone dared to threaten his life last night and attempted to stab him! It was a very good attempt and only missed Cody because he tried to move away and even than only missed by an inch or two. (Not even joking!)
They responded to just another TC call and when they arrived on the seen the gentleman, no lets call him a brute instead, was acting combative and fighting Cody and his partner as they tried to loud him onto a backboard, since he had just rolled his car. Normally in these situations They would use restraints and an officer would even ride along with them to the hospital to insure the EMTs safety. The fire department told him he couldn’t use the restraints (mistake number 1) and the police department didn’t ride along or follow them to the hospital as is the protocol. (Mistake number 2)
Cody decided to use several strap on the guy simply to keep him laying down on the way to the hospital and asked his partner to drive as quickly as possible even though they were not cleared to go code three (Mistake number 3) The man fought and screamed the whole way threatening to kill Cody all the way to the hospital. That’s not the surprising part, this is a daily occurrence for him.
As they pulled into the hospital parking lot Cody turned around to get his clip board from the front. As he turned back the patient had a knife and was slicing of the straps that had been holding him down to the gurney. Than quickly lunged at Cody who dove to the side and was just barley missed by the knife!
Thankfully God was in control of this situation and Cody’s partner not knowing what was going on opened the back of the ambulance at that second. Cody yelled to her to let her know he had a knife as the patient jumped out the back of the ambulance and tried to stab Bianca too! Cody, being the man that he is, wasn’t scared, no instead he was mad! You don’t try to stab him or his partner! He too jumped out the back of the ambulance and proceeded to chase the patient!
Finally PD arrived and not seeing the knife told the “brute” to drop his phone. They acted very calm until the man did in fact pull out a knife. They quickly pulled out their guns and started freaking out yelling at each other "he has a knife!" I imagine it was a bit comical to watch these men who typically act very tough suddenly start freaking out when they are the ones holding guns! Anyways, a couple of them where threatening to shoot when another cop decided it would work to just taze the guy. Geniuses I know.
Well in the mess of it all the only person the patient managed to stab was himself in the hand! So Cody got to go back over and re fix this guy up and bring him into the hospital. Obviously everyone had a lot of question on how this could have happened. When they started asking around about why the guy had a knife at all the cops said they had confiscated that knife at the first TC seen. Apparently someone was nice enough to give it back to him because he definitely had it!
Cody is now questioning why he doesn’t get paid more? Minimum wage just doesn’t seem like enough for nights like this! Haha he did express however that he was thankful he at least acted “man” about it and didn’t run away instead:-) I am thankful that he and his partner made it out okay, and that the man didn’t attack until they got to the parking lot or it would have left Cody in the back with a large angry man with a knife and no place for either of them to go. God protected him and I am soooo thankful!

I will admit that Cody's attack story is much more scary than mine, though I am still determind that woman ran me down in the parking lot on purpose! teehee. Thank you Jesus for keeping me on my toes and making my life always interesting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great story! I'm very glad Cody and his partner are safe. And good work Cody on taking the appropriate "man" action. :)