Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sleep #35

Well I was talking to my mother this morning and it is official that I need a wedding energy booster! haha It's still SO much fun but life s a big distraction, and right now there are a lot of things in life making it hard to do anything. Yesterday Cody got back from a 48 (which is always wonderful!) So after work I headed over to his house and he cooked me a fabulous meal. Besides the fact it made me feel guilty that I dont know how to cook it was so nice. After that we headed to Z Gallery to look at the couch we want to buy! Haha it's $1400!!!! But the more I look at it, sit on it, and think about it I am convinced that I NEED that couch:-) We can't buy it until we find out where we will be living because it isn't the smallest thing you have ever seen so until than I will visit the store and look at it until it can be my own! lol. After that Cody wanted to stop in at the sleep number store, hours later, we left haha. I never knew a store with six mattresses could be so much fun! We laid on them all but got stuck on the one that sits up and elevates your feet and everything. Cody thinks we need one, I'm fully ok with that if we have the money ets get it! (Me and Cody don't spend it if we don't have it so....I don't think we will be getting that bed just yet! We have to buy MY couch first lol) When we finally got home to clean it was late and we were way to relaxed from laying around all evening. So instead in went disc two of season five of FRIENDS! haha me, Cody and Cameron watched it until we all fell asleep sometime around 12. Even though it was not very productive it was very pleasant! It's nice having Cody home and to be looking forward to a wonderful weekend with my family at Hume!

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