Thursday, January 29, 2009


I have decided that I am going back to school. I'm not ready to have babies, and my job isn't doing much for me so... It's time to do something with myself:-) Heehee

So here is the choices I have, do I go back and continue towards the nursing career I started to pursue at Biola? This seems like a smart choice because its something I can do even when I want to be a stay at home mom. Honestly everything about this choice makes more since if I am going to do more school... It pays good. There are ALWAYS jobs available. And you can work part time and the hours are great! Haha so why wouldn't I do this? Because what I want to do is have a career in criminal justice.
Bah haha I know I know I'm crazy. When I was in high school my plan was to spend four years in the military as a pay load specialist (Just because it sounded interesting!) Than have them pay for me to go to school for a criminal justice degree to eventually work as a US Marshal....
My boyfriend at the time, who is now my husband, was not a fan of this plan. He didn't want me in the military or having a life long career. I agreed and still do. I think I will want to be a stay at home mom when the time comes. But until than this career path sounds the most appealing to me!

and honestly I'm not going to be a nurse if I'm a mom. I don't want to work if I'm a mom so to pursue that career only to not use it is just as dumb as this one except that I actually want to do it... If that makes since.

Maybe I should just save my money and not do either... sigh what to do what to do heehee


Tiffany Ann said...

Be a wedding planner.

Eugenie Mary said...

Take some classes at a junior college, you may find something you love.

Scrawny Tawny said...

One thing to maybe keep in mind (unless you home school) is that you could work while your kids are in school. So maybe you find something you love doing (otherwise what's the point) then when you are ready to have babies, you take some time off, do the baby thing then pick back up in a few years. Anyway, just a thought. I hope it works out for you!